Membership is required of all families enrolling in the school. Membership is extended to all staff. Membership is open to the community.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the primary governing body of Desert Sun and is composed of the Desert Sun Directors, a limited number of Desert Sun Staff, Desert Sun families and anyone from the community who has an interest in helping guide Desert Sun. The Board is responsible for establishment of policy, the appointment of Directors, the preservation of the School’s mission, strategic planning, finances and marketing. Meetings are open to the general membership, and we encourage attendance by any interested parents. Meeting minutes and financial reports are available to members in the Office or by request to the Board of Directors.
The members of current Board of Directors are:
Director: Trisha Lucas
President: Lisa Garcia
Vice President: Barbie Formichella
Secretary: Laura Meyer
Treasurer: Cassie Wolsink
Regina Aldridge
Amanda Buckwalter
Charlie Bueker
Linda Bueker
Kristen Cox
Thomas Femiani
Laura Franklin
Kayli Lang
Amanda Pechtl
Tim Scripture
Sully Sullivan
Sarah Tanner
Cara Walsh-Meaker
Members at large: All families enrolled at Desert Sun. Members are invited to attend meetings.