Fry's Community Rewards
Fry's makes fundraising easy. Register your Fry's V.I.P. card at and Desert Sun will receive a donation from Fry's for your everyday purchases.
Safeway & eSCRIP Merchants
Sign up online at to link you purchases at Safeway and other participating merchants to our school's group ID #2071600. Please confirm your participation in the program by November 1st!
United Way
Many major corporations in the valley such as Motorola, Intel, WellsFargo and Honeywell have United Way campaigns. Please consider designating Desert Sun Child Development Center as the recipient of your United Way donation. As a non-profit corporation, Desert Sun is listed as a qualified agency.
When you receive a United Way packet from your company, please list Desert Sun Child Development Center as the recipient of your contribution. The United Way agency number for Desert Sun is 1128.
Your gift to United Way can help support our efforts to provide a high quality education for young children and to assist parents in their role as primary educators of their children.
If you have any questions, please see Suzanne in the office.
Desert Sun has a 501 (c) 3 status with the IRS. All donations to Desert Sun can be used for income tax purposes according to the current regulations for donations under this status. Donations of supplies from families are welcomed and appreciated.
Arizona State Tax Credit
For tax year 2024, contribute up to $1,459 (if filing single) or $2,910 (if filing jointly) annually and deduct this amount directly from your state income taxes through a tax credit. Contributions can be made online at or contact Suzanne at Desert Sun for the mail-in form. Please be sure to designate Desert Sun Child Development Center as the specific school for your contribution. As always, please consult your tax adviser.
Learn more here