The Kindergarten program offers a sound introduction to the elementary years of education.
Through hands-on activities that are child-led and teacher-led the students are encouraged to be successful in accomplishing and/or exceeding the educational standards defined by the state board of education.
Often the students’ experiences are enhanced by discoveries through experimentation and play. These types of developmentally appropriate practices encourage long-term success in the academic arena.
The Kindergarten class curriculum aligns with the Arizona Department of Education Academic Standards.
The Kindergarten curriculum extends beyond the traditional areas of learning and offers Spanish, Physical Education and Art Masterpiece. There are plenty of opportunities for outside discovery through activities as well as recess.
Students are required to bring lunch and will have a snack-time.
Scholarships are made available through IBE Scholarships. (
The Kindergarten classes are:
Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 1:30 pm Fridays 8:30 am - 11:30 pm.
Listening and Speaking Skills
Tell or retell a personal experience or creative story in logical sequence
Follow simple directions
Share ideas, information, opinions and questions
Listen and respond to stories, poems and non-fiction
Participate in group discussions
Reading Skills
Identify characters in a story and retell stories in sequence
Predict elements and events in a story
Identify facts in nonfiction material
Use whole language and phonics to read simple words
Comprehend the meaning of simple written selections, using prior knowledge, letter/sound relationship and picture clues
Recognize and read beginning commonly used words
Distinguish between upper and lower case letters
Develop phonic awareness
Writing Skills
Relate a narrative, creative story or other communication by drawing, telling and writing individually and within a group
Spell simple words
Copy the 26 letters of the alphabet, upper and lower case
Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., capitalization, punctuation)
Social and Emotional Skills
Follow simple rules
Use creative thinking skills and imagination to solve problems
Work cooperatively with and show respect to classmates
Use and develop rational and critical thinking
Number Sense
Count to thirty with manipulatives and practice rote counting
Identify numbers through thirty in and out of order
Write numbers through thirty in and out of order
Recognize ordinal numbers through the fifth
Identify penny, nickel, dime, quarter and dollar by using manipulatives and/or pictures
Solve word problems using numbers 0-9 using addition and subtraction
Identify the symbols +, -, =
Compare quantities (more, less, equal, unequal)
Compare objects (size, height, weight, length)
Compare volume (more, less)
Compare area (big, small)
Use different movements (clap, stomp, pat, jump) and play a steady beat with a group
Sing, using voices that are fast or slow, loud or soft
Change voice to match different pitches
Sing a variety of songs
Echo short rhythms and melodic patterns.
Model addition through sums of 10 using manipulatives
Model subtraction with minuends using manipulatives
Introduce and solve word problems using addition and subtraction through 9
Create different patterns involving everyday life
Identify and continue a pattern with materials
Identify geometric shapes
Sort materials by common features
Create and experience graphs
Use color and texture in artwork
Identify and use a variety of art media
Identify various subject matter, ideas and symbols used in own work and the work of others
Begin to look at and talk about art
Engage in open ended art activities
Display a curiosity about the world
Cooperate with classmates to solve problems
Understand that questioning is part of the scientific process
Discover ways scientists make observations and solve problems
Development of Concepts
Identify and explain that descriptions about natural occurrences can be sorted in different ways
Identify that in the natural world cause-and- effect relationships exist
Use and design models to understand natural occurrences
Recognize that in the natural world change occurs
Identify the relationship between the function of an organism and its structure
Describe how different people and places can give us help when needed
Name ways to avoid germs
Give examples of nutritious snacks
Describe proper dental care
Physical Growth
Play simple, non-competitive games
Demonstrate understanding of simple directions (up, down, high, low)
Display a sense of risk-taking
Balance the body while doing simple stunts
Catch a large object with two hands
Social Studies
Recognize that accepting responsibility and having rules is important
Describe the different ways families celebrate special events or holidays
Demonstrate appropriate ways to communicate wants or needs
Use a calendar daily to identify the days of the week and the months of the year
Compare how clothing differs because of the changes in weather
Use a calendar to locate events including birthdays, holidays and school events
Recognize national symbols and icons that represent American democracy